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Hunting Tournament Rules & Regulations

General Provisions:

  1. The TrophyChasers Biggest Low Fence Deer Contest entrant accepts responsibility for reading, understanding, and following these rules, and acknowledges that failure to comply with and/or meet the rules is grounds for disqualification of membership for any particular year. Persons who enter other persons in the TrophyChasers Deer Contest are responsible for informing those persons of all provisions, rules and regulations.  All scores will be gross Boone and Crockett scoring.

  2. Any animal entered in this Contest is subject to an investigation of the circumstances surrounding the harvesting of the animal, including requiring the entrant to submit to a polygraph examination, if necessary.  All entries must be taken by legal means as defined by Texas Parks and Wildlife and during the respective legal season for the property being hunted meaning that MLD and/or non MLD entries will be accepted.

  3. Any deer entered into the TrophyChasers contest MUST be scored by an approved scorer including but not limited to Texas Big Game Awards Scorers, Boone & Crockett Scorers, Pope & Young Scorers, KC Big Buck Contest Scorers-Hallettsville, or any official contest scorer listed at Brush To Bay Outfitters in Hallettsville.   TrophyScan Scores will also be accepted.

  4. This will be a deer only contest and all rules by Texas Parks and Wildlife will be adhered to and only LOW FENCE NATIVE deer will be allowed to enter this contest which deems no high fence, pasture born, scientific deer, or any animal that has ever been in captivity and we will pursue the legitimacy of each entry to insure this is followed.  Any winner will be subject to polygraph test.  If Texas Big Game awards, Boone & Crockett or Pope and Young does not recognize the property as LOW FENCE FREE RANGE neither will we.

  5. A “point” (typical, non-typical, drop, etc.) is any antler projection that is at least one inch long AND its length is longer than its base and/or meets other B&C point definitions. Antler growth that originates from a location on the skull, other than from the two, normal, main beams, will be counted as non-typical points as long as growth meets point definition.

  6. Any tax obligation or other apparent cost incurred as a result of any prize awarded herein will be the responsibility of the recipient of the prize. A W-9 will need to completed prior to award presentation.

  7. In the event of a “Tie” for any deer entered, the animal of which has the longest tine will be deemed the winner.


This year we will have two categories:  $20 entry fee continual entry meaning thru the season but must be entered 48 hours prior to harvest.


Texas Biggest Native Free Range Whitetail-any method

Prize $1000.00/Trophy Replica of your deer bronzed by Classic Racks/TrophyChasers Embroidered Jacket


Lavaca County Free Range –any method

$500/TrophyChasers Embroidered Jacket

Fishing Tournament
Rules & Regulations


Tournament Dates January 1st-SMay 31st 2024


  1. This tournament will begin January 1st  at 12:01 a.m. and conclude the May 31st at 12 a.m.  This will be for the largest weight submitted thru our app or website and entered legally into our contest for speckled trout.  Each winner(s) will be subject to a polygraph upon conclusion and prior to naming final winner (s).  If any rules of the contest, laws of the State of Texas, or anything illegal or immoral is done the individual will be disqualified and banned from any future contest.

  2.   All Federal, State, and Local laws shall be obeyed at all times. All participants will be entered in the same division in this case largest speckled trout by weight. There will be no separation between guides or novice fisherman. The TrophyChasers board of directors has the right to reject or refuse entry to anyone for any reason without cause, at its sole discretion.

  3.   Contestants must have a valid license if required by law meaning minors may be exempt in this case or those below the age of 17.  All contestants are encouraged to wear safety devices and practice safe boating when in a boat and the upmost sportsmanship, courtesy, and ethics. 

  4. All fish must be caught by rod and reel using any bait of the angler’s choice as long as allowed by law. This is an open tournament and it is your given right to fish it or not fish it and no liability will be accepted nor implied by the tournament at any time.

  5. The entry fee of $25.00 enters one individual into the contest and all rules for each tournament will be followed according to the event being held at that time. There is no specific deadline to enter but must be entered at least 24 hours prior to being able to submit a video.

  6. A minimum of 10K cash will be paid accordingly along with other prizes and the top prize will be based on minimum number of entries specified for each.

  7. For a trout tournament, no trout will kept by the angler. We want to encourage safe release for future generations, so we will accept only video which will be checked using encryption technology for date, time, & location at the time of submission.  Specific rules for submission will be specified for each species of game, fish, or otherwise for each event. After video is taken of the fish and the weight the same video must show safe release for proper submission. If submission is for game we will specify details as needed for each event.

  1. Others can assist with videoing your catch/game and we encourage that for safe keeping and safe release.


  1. Approved scale must be zeroed prior to weighing and shown in the video sequence.  

  2. Fish must be clearly alive and angler/contestant must clearly state their name as entered in event, time, date, location and weight of which most will be verified with our encryption reader.

  3. Weigh the fish/game and then show the safe release all in one video sequence, it cannot be broken into any other videos, so one singular video will be submitted only.

  4. We will only accept ForEverlast or Catch Commander scales for both game and fish, so that will be required to enter and must be present in the video.

  5. The boundaries are in navigational waters within the Texas coastal waters boundaries as specified by law.  

  6. As mentioned earlier, multiple polygraphs may be used to determine winner at TrophyChasers boards discretion.  Any failure of such will result in disqualification and the next on the leaderboard will be named as the next possible winner with assumption of passing.

  7. Sponsors, owners, & board of directors, do not accept any responsibilities of each individual to follow rules and directives of this tournament nor do they accept any liability while participating in this event and by paying the fee and accepting the rules each individual agrees to waive these rights.  

  8. Trout entered into the tournament must be submitted within 3 hours of the catch and release of such fish and a video may be requested and sent to our offices for further meta data extraction by text or email.

All fish entries must be loaded into the system no later than 12 a.m. of the ending date of the tournament in order to be considered. Cash Prize of 10K payout.

Questions can be directed to our web site

Or socials Instagram @trophychasers_

Facebook @trophychasers.2023

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